Gum gellan

Deskripsi Singkat:

As a professional Gellan gum food additives and food ingredients supplier and manufacturer, JUSTCHEM has been and exporting from food additives and food ingredients China for almost 10 years, please be assured to buy food additives and food ingredients at Justchem. Any inquiries and problems please Feel Free to send emails to us via  kami akan menjawab Anda dalam waktu 1 hari kerja.


  • Min.order Jumlah: 500kg
  • QC: Haccp, Kosher, Halal, Iso
  • Ketentuan Pembayaran: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
  • Kode HS: 3506990000
  • CAS No .: 71010-52-1
  • EINECS No .: 232-658-1
  • MF: (C12H18O9) n
  • Keterangan: asil rendah, asil Tinggi
  • Paket: 25kg / drum, 10MT / 20gp'
  • Rincian produk


    Our Factory

    Tags produk


     nama Produk  Gum gellan
     Spesifikasi  Low acyl, High acyl
     Nomer CAS.  71010-52-1
     EINECS No.  232-658-1
     MF  (C12H18O9) n
     Penampilan  Putih ke kuning terang
     Kelas  Kualitas makanan
     Berat  25kg / drum
     Shelf hidup  2 tahun
     sertifikasi  Halal, Kosher, Iso, Haccp
     Pengepakan  10.000 kg


    Analisis produk                                                                                                                                           

    item standar
    Ciri Off-putih, tidak berbau, serbuk mengalir Gratis
    kadar 85-108%
    Kelarutan Larut dalam air untuk membentuk larutan kental
    uji ion kalsium Lulus
    Ukuran partikel ≥95% Lulus 60 mesh
    Rugi pengeringan ≤15%
    nilai PH 5,5-7,5
    Residu etanol ≤750mg / kg
    Gel strength (0.5% solution) ≥800g / cm2
    total Nitrogen ≤3%
    Transmittance (0.5% solution) ≥80%
    Memimpin ≤2mg / kg
    Air raksa ≤1mg / kg
    arsenikum ≤2mg / kg
    Kadmium ≤1mg / kg
    Jumlah bakteri ≤10000cfu / g
    Ragi & Mold ≤400cfu / g
    E.Coli ≤30MPN / 100g
    Salmonella Negatif

    We are the best karet gellan manufacturer in China. For a considerable length of time microbial exopolysaccharides have been significant fixings in the sustenance business, and additionally having numerous appealing pharmaceutical and synthetic applications. Gellan gum is a relatively new gum explained by the Gram-negative bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis.Gellan gum (E418) is economically detailed by receiving vigorous submerged maturing of Sphingomonas elodea which is once alluded as Pseudomonas elodea. It is a bacterial exopolysaccharide or polymer with high sub-atomic weight. Its assembling strategy looks like to that of xanthan.  Despite the fact that its physico-concoction properties have been all around portrayed, the environment and physiology of Sphingomonas, and the variables affecting the aging procedure for generation of this gum have gotten considerably less consideration. This survey centers around the digestion and the enzymic action of this bacterium, and in addition the components that impact gellan generation, including process temperature, pH, blending rate, oxygen exchange, and organization of the creation medium. Potential techniques for enhancing the creation procedure are talked about with regards to forms for the generation of other microbial biopolymers, especially exopolysaccharides.

    Gellan gum is a polysaccharide fabricated by microbial maturation. Gellan gum is amazingly viable at low utilize levels and structures strong gels at fixations as low as 0.1%. This multi-practical gelling specialist can be utilized alone or in mix with different items to create a wide assortment of intriguing surfaces. Gellan gums are accessible in two sorts. Low acyl items shape hard, non-versatile, fragile gels. High acyl items shape delicate, extremely flexible, non-weak gels. Changing the proportions of the two types of karet gellan delivers a wide assortment of surfaces.  We are well recognized produsen karet gellan which is utilized fundamentally as a gelling operator, other option to agar. As nourishment added substance, gellan gum is utilized as a thickener, emulsifier, and stabilizer.

    Fungsi & Pengenaan                                                                                                                                   

    1. Gellan gusi dapat meningkatkan kekerasan mie permukaan, elastisitas, viskositas, tetapi juga meningkatkan rasa,

    Inhibit hot water swelling, reduce cross-section and reduce the role of muddy juice,
    2. Add to the production of biscuits in the dough, you can also play the level of improved biscuits, so that biscuits have a good role in the degree of Loose;
    3. Stabilizer Gellan gum AS A Cream ICE Applied to Improve The CAN Retention;
    4. the For Cake, Cheese Cake, with Moisturizing, and Preservation Preservation Effect;
    5. The the For Candy, The CAN give to Provide Product Structure and Superior Texture, And shorten the formation of starch candy colloidal time;
    6. Used to replace pectin to prepare jam and jelly, can also be used in pastry and fruit pie stuffing;
    7. In the processing of meat and vegetable products, the addition of gellan gum will make it a refreshing taste, to make up for the lack of good taste of the product.
    8. Gellan gum can be used with other hydrosols for gel pet food ;
    9. The With sucrose, sodium citrate, SLOW Dissolving acid (fatty acid, Adipic acid) Mixed INTO Dry Material’s, the Add Boiling Water,

    Made with a high degree of transparency of hot water dessert gel, with the population quick broken, Flavor release loose good features;
    10. Pectin can be used to make jam. It can also be combined with starch or partially substituted with starch, with pastry And fruit pies.


    Gum gellan: Its Gunakan, Manfaat dan Harms


    Apa Gellan Sum?

    The this Substance (Food additive E 418) WAS Created AS A Cheaper `substitute by gellan gum Manufacturer for Vegetable gum. The In The Process of Applying The Strange Qualities were Discovered, IT Opens up More Technological Possibilities, ESPECIALLY for Manufacturers of Confectionery and non-Alcoholic Beverages .

    Jenis Zat

    Gum Gellan - nama suplementasi dasar yang tetap gizi GOST 33.310-2.015. Berdasarkan ketentuan dari produsen Cina aditif makanan sering disebut sebagai “jamur karet”.

    Hal ini diketahui bahwa suplemen E 418 adalah sangat pengental dan pembentuk gel. Ini adalah struktur kimia memenuhi syarat sebagai biopolimer a. Produk ini diproduksi dalam dua cara, yang mempengaruhi parameter massa diperoleh:

    Proses untuk pembuatan dua jenis dapat bercampur dengan satu sama lain dan dengan zat hidrokoloid lain untuk mendapatkan tekstur yang diinginkan dari produk.


    Namun, permen karet gellan - apa itu? Bahan ini berwarna putih (dye kekuningan diperbolehkan), dibuat dalam bentuk bubuk dan tidak berbau dan tidak berasa. Dalam komposisi itu memiliki monomer glukosa, asam glukuronat.

    The food supplement perfectly soluble in cold and hot water, insoluble in organic liquids, its density is not determined. It is thermostable and resistant to pH modification level. The content of basic substances is not less than 85%.


    Makanan aditif E 418 diangkut dalam kantong kertas multilayer dan pengunci baterai jahitan dengan lapisan dalam polimer. Volume khas adalah 25 kg. , Simpan jauh dari sumber panas, di tempat yang kering.


    What is the use of gellan gum? It is known that the food industry is the basic consumption gelling agent E 418. The exclusivity of this food supplement is the ability to form both fragile and elastic structures. At low concentration (0.5%) creates a Substance resistant jellies, which positively affects the rationalization of production and the decrease in the cost price of the finished product.

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  • 1.What jenis sertifikat dapat Anda tawarkan?

    Kami dapat menawarkan HAPPC, halal, Sertifikat HALAL, dll.


    2. Apakah Anda seorang produsen atau perusahaan perdagangan?

    Kami produsen untuk agar-agar dan karagenan, Pabrik kami didirikan pada tahun 1992, kami melakukan lebih dari 10 tahun aditif makanan di pasar domestik.
    Pada tahun 2016, Kami mendirikan perusahaan cabang di Shanghai dan menciptakan JUSTCHEM baru kami, mendedikasikan untuk menawarkan layanan penjualan yang lebih baik untuk tambahan makanan serta untuk memperluas pasar luar negeri.


    3. Berapa lama kita akan menunggu jawaban Anda?

    Kami bisa menjamin untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam di hari kerja.


    4. Apa jenis jenis transportasi yang dapat Anda berikan?

    metode transportasi utama kami meliputi transportasi udara, transportasi kereta api dan transportasi laut.


    5. Berapa lama saya akan menerima baik saya?

    Biasanya kita akan mengatur pengiriman dalam 7 -15 hari.


    6. Apa Dokumen-dokumen yang Anda berikan?  
    Biasanya, kami menyediakan Komersial Faktur, Packing List, Bill loading, COA, Certificat Kesehatan dan Sertifikat Asal. Jika pasar Anda memiliki persyaratan khusus, beritahu kami.


    7. Apa yang memuat pelabuhan?
    Biasanya adalah Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian dan dll.


    FACTORY (1)Justchem memiliki departemen termasuk penjualan internasional, pembelian, teknis, layanan purna jual, teknik jaringan, urusan umum, dll Kami dapat menawarkan layanan dan dukungan dalam bahasa Inggris, Portugis, Rusia, Jepang, Korea dan bahasa lainnya. Dalam upaya semua staf kami, pasar kami telah mencakup lebih dari 40 negara dan daerah, yang mendorong kita untuk menjadi mitra yang paling dapat diandalkan produsen makanan dan merchant di seluruh dunia. Kami memiliki lebih dari 20 penjualan profesional menawarkan 7 * 24 layanan penjualan online.

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